Hugh Harry Stewart

17 Jan 1909 [Rossland, BC] - 26 May 1991 [Eugene, Or]

  Rest in Peace ...  
HUGH HARRY STEWART was named after his father's twin brother. Hugh had 2 children [a daughter and Nelson Eugene ] by his first wife, Gladys. He had two more children [ Reid Hugh b. 22 Nov 1947 Coos Bay Or d. 2 Mar 2009 Eugene, Or and Randy Steven b. 8 Nov 1952 Eugene or] by his second wife, Marjorie.

Hugh became a naturalized US citizen at the age of 31 on 3 June, 1940. He was raised as a Master Mason on 14 October, 1950 and was a life-long member in good standing. His son, Randy Steven, followed Hugh as a Master Mason, being raised in the early 1980's in Spokane, Wa and was honored to have Hugh attend and participate in the ceremony.

Hugh was a long-time member of the International Boilermakers Union and met his second wife, Marjorie, while as a foreman working in the shipyards of Portland, Oregon during WWII. As segregation was still very much happening during this time, one of Hugh's unique responsibilities was as a liaison during WWII leading an all-black crew. As it was sometimes difficult - even impossible - for those of color to fully participate in the economy, Hugh would collect the war scrip, take requests, and purchase needed products for his men.
Someone wrote a small poem during this time to honor him. It read:
  "A friend of yours, and a friend of mine,
He's a welder here. He's an Irishman [sic].
He's got a ranch down the valley, I'm told,
He claims it's the best that's ever been sold.

Old Hugh Stewart is the name of this guy.
You better stop and see him when you are passing by.
He lives out of Lebanon, about six miles.
You can tell when you get there by the big rock piles

He's got sheep and cattle and a big bunch of hounds.
And they make the woods ring for miles around.
He works in the daytime and hunts at night.
Keeps the neighbors awake and he drinks and fights.

For sport on his ranch he's got what it takes.
Diggers and skunks and rattlesnakes.
When he goes out to hunt I've heard the boys say,
He'll shoot his own sheep if they get in his way.

But he's building ships now for some time to come.
But will go back on that ranch when the war is won."


It was becoming impossible to make a living in Strathtummel (Scotland), so in 1833 the family emigrated to Canada (probably on the 'Charlotte Kerr') with possibly others from the area. It would seem that in Nova Scotia, so many Stewarts had similar names such as Robert or Donald, that they added the paternal names to avoid confusion. Thus Donald ‘Robert’ Stewart [Hugh Harry’s GGF] is Donald son of Robert. Alexander was known as ‘Alexander Donald Rob’, whilst his brother was known as ‘John Donald Rob’ [Hugh Harry’s GF]. Robert died 3rd April 1855 and was buried in North Lochaber, Antigonish, N.S., where his wife Ellen McDonald [Hugh Harry’s GGM] was later buried. She died 21st April 1883.


Robert Franklin Stewart (Hugh Harry’s father) was born June 14, 1872, in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. He was one of nine children born to John Donald Robert and Catherine Stewart of Lochaber, N.S.. He lived for a while on Lochaber Lake, Nova Scotia. He was a twin brother to Hugh Duncan Stewart. Robert met and married Alice Margaret Boyle [b. 1889 m. 20 February 1907 d. [17] May 1928]. Together they migrated from Nova Scotia to Rossland, British Columbia where they would have five children. He named his first-born son - Hugh Harry - after his twin brother, Hugh.


Robert had a sister, Annie, who was partially crippled and never married but lived with Robert Franklin. He died 2 Nov 1950 at the age of 77. On his way to settling in Rossland, Robert F spent time in Alaska, Butte Montana, and Vancouver, Wa. He is buried in The Franklin Butte Masonic Cemetery in Lebanon, Or. He was a minor his entire life and spent 28 years working in and for the Centre Star Mine of Rossland - never losing a day's work to sickness or injury. He reluctantly was forced to retire due to a broken leg.


Hugh Stewart's and his son, Reid Stewart's ashes are also spread at Devils Churn at Cape Perpetua on the Oregon Coast. Additionally, Hugh's remaining ashes - and memorial grave stone - are at the Franklin Butte Cemetery in Scio Oregon in the family plot, along with his second wife, Marjorie.


Robert Franklin Stewart, Alice Margaret Boyle, Annie Stewart, and Robert Nelson Stewart


Donald Robert Stewart, and wife H(ellen) Stewart, John Donald Robert Stewart and wife, Catherine Stewart

The Family Tree - Donald Stewart



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